Thursday 25 November 2010

Am I a Danger to Someone?

With autism there are communication problems, with autism there are difficulties with imagination and with autism there can be behaviour issues but we can manage them…right?

We can come across as abrasive, rude, demanding and people don’t like that. When there are conversations we butt in or don’t talk to people for hours so we can seem self-centred. When conversations end and people are going home we still don’t know whether we are meant to walk with them or leave so they think we are following them. But does that mean we are dangerous? They can certainly believe so.

But in reality we’re not dangerous but because someone believes it they complain and decide that you are some kind of monster when all you wanted to do was help.
Autism is easy to understand…well actually it’s not, and reading the quick guide off the National Autistic Society’s web page doesn’t mean you know all there is to know about the student but schools and businesses alike think they do and just because they don’t understand will mean they won’t try to understand and because they haven’t tried…they refuse you admittance to the course.

What one person with autism does is not what another person with autism will do because autism is a spectrum, from high-functioning to low-functioning, from speaking to crowds to spending their time alone in their room.

When someone says that you could be a danger to other people and you have no history of violence then they should think again! Just because someone has behaviour issues does not make them a monster and it is disability discrimination if they say so!

Make sure support workers and other people are made aware of what is being said about you and deal with this comment before decisions are made using it!

This is bullying and cruelty and should be stopped! Ignorance is no reason to make someone else’s life hell.

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