Thursday 11 November 2010

Difficult Decisions

Making decisions is a hard thing, especially when it involves a big change. Renting a house, picking which university you are going to, buying something expensive are all things which require a lot of thought and brings about big changes.

You worry that you aren’t making the right decision, that doing this could potentially ruin your life but that’s not the case. Sometimes making big moves makes things better and with all the planning and thinking you do around this decision means that you are less likely to be making a poor decision.

There is always stress as you wait for confirmation of your rent, university place or order but you have to remember that there is nothing you can do until it arrives or you move. Nearly all the time you are happy with your decision but only after you see the outcome. Have faith in yourself to make these decisions and see them through, they may be worth more than you ever imagined!

The most important thing to know is that you aren’t going to be punished for making the ‘wrong’ decision and there are always other options if you don’t like what you get.

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